Friday, October 26, 2007

benefit of Aromatheraphy

Aromatherapy has origins back 5000 years ago.The ancient Egyptians were the first to practice it by using the method of infusion to extract oils fromaromatic plants.

Aromatherapy was also widely used by the Chinese, Romans and Greeks. In the present day, aromatherapy has experienced a revival,seen as an alternative therapy. Though it cannot replace traditional medicine, its holistic properties bring about healing to the mind, body and spirit.

Aromatherapy can boast your spirits.It is known to help depression,frustration, grief, hysteria, anxiety,insomnia, athsma and even poor memory. Its medical benefits include alleviating fatigue and respiratory conditions such as cold, flu, sore throat,asthma and bronchitis. More importantly,aromatherapy purifies the air, improving its quality.

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